Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm not even interesting enough to think of a clever heading for this post so pretend like you just read the most perfect introductory title, then smile, and read on...

Sorry, ya'll; we are super boring over here! I keep thinking, "I have got to update our blog!" And then I even go a step further sometimes and try to think about what I could possibly have to say that would keep anyone's interest. Obviously, as is evident from my lack of a post in the last week, I have yet to think of something worthwhile. But, I do not want to drop the blog ball (again), so I am posting a couple little highlights (at least they are interesting to me) of our week. I figure something will keep your attention better than nothing so...here we go!

Our little Miss Abigail hit 55 lbs this week. I am just now starting to feel like, "Wow! This dog is big." As in, a little bit bigger than I'm used to/comfortable with. She is now the size of a full grown, female lab so I forget that she is only four months old! I have been working with her the past couple of weeks on a couple simple commands (sit and down) and she has finally learned them both. Give her a bite of anything edible or a belly rub and she will do anything!! She has learned so well that I don't even have to give the command; I just stand with my hands behind my back and she runs over to me, sits, lays down, and then rolls over onto her back to wait for her reward (the belly rub). She is such a sweet, funny girl.

There is a formula for figuring out how big a Bullmastiff will be when full grown. At six months of age they are sixty percent of their adult weight. So, by taking Abby's average weight gain per week and adding that to her current weight each week until October 28th and then figuring that that is 60 percent of her full grown weight...take one wild guess who did all the math on this one...we figure that she will be somewhere between 115 and 120 lbs full grown...I'm not sure yet how I feel about that! I guess we'll find out!

One of my favorite things is to find Bubba's selfies on my phone. This kid is a little egocentric (as all kids are) so he loves to take 300 pictures (literally) of himself at a time. Then I have the awesome task of deleting them all. Of course, there are some that are just way too cute to get rid of. Here is a sampling:

And finally, the last highlight comes courtesy of Ben. Those who know Ben well, know that he is quiet (unless you get him going about sports) and that you will never, ever hear him crack a joke. But, after 10 years of marriage he does still surprise me. I texted him today with a usual hint of sarcasm and, much to my enjoyment got a pretty sarcastic response. I love that after 10 years I am still discovering new facets of our relationship; this time, I discovered that Ben can make me laugh out loud. Here's how the exchange went:

Ok, maybe it's not side splitting hilarious. But, for Ben, this response is about as hilarious as it gets. And this little gem made my day so, to me, it was perfect.

That's all from the Friends! Hope you are all having a great (and much more exciting) week! xoxo

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